Timing Trials, or, the Trials of Timing:
Experiments with Scripting and User-Interface Languages

Brian W. Kernighan
Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Christopher J. Van Wyk
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Drew University
Madison, NJ 07940


This paper describes some basic experiments to see how fast various popular scripting and user-interface languages run on a spectrum of representative tasks. We found enormous variation in performance, depending on many factors, some uncontrollable and even unknowable. There seems to be little hope of predicting performance in other than a most general way; if there is a single clear conclusion, it is that no benchmark result should ever be taken at face value.

A few general principles hold:

* Compiled code usually runs faster than interpreted code: the more a program has been ``compiled'' before it is executed, the faster it will run.

* Memory-related issues and the effects of memory hierarchies are pervasive: how memory is managed, from hardware caches to garbage collection, can change runtimes dramatically. Yet users have no direct control over most aspects of memory management.

* The timing services provided by programs and operating systems are woefully inadequate. It is difficult to measure runtimes reliably and repeatably even for small, purely computational kernels, and it becomes significantly harder when a program does much I/O or graphics.

Although each language shines in some situations, there are visible and sometimes surprising deficiencies even in what should be mainstream applications. We encountered bugs, size limitations, maladroit features, and total mysteries for every language.

BenchmarkingPerformance evaluationScripting languages


This paper describes experiments to compare the performance of scripting languages (like Awk, Perl, and Tcl) and interface-building languages (like Tck/Tk, Java, and Visual Basic) on a set of representative computational tasks. We found this challenging, with more difficulties and fewer clear-cut results than we had expected.

Since scripting and interface-building languages are usually interpreted, using them sacrifices some speed in return for programming convenience. This ``wasted'' CPU time doesn't matter for short, single-use programs, or for programs that run in only a few seconds, nor does it matter if the scripting language is mainly used as ``glue'' to control efficient large-scale operations. But small programs for small data sets can evolve into big programs that run on big data sets; for instance, Awk and Perl have been used to write programs of thousands of lines that process megabyte data sets. And sometimes the glue itself evolves into a major component of an application. By quantifying how fast different languages run, performance comparisons could suggest which languages would be appropriate for different parts of an application, and what the penalty might be for choosing convenience over efficiency.

At first blush, comparing runtimes seems straightforward. Choose a comprehensive set of representative tasks, write equivalent programs in the different languages, measure the runtimes on several systems, then present them all in a table. This approach is an obvious generalization of test programs that create a cost model for primitive operations in a single language like C [Bentley 91] and benchmarks that compare implementations of a single language like Java [Hardwick 97, Caffeine 97].

The seemingly easy job of comparison, however, has proved to be much more than a routine exercise. We encountered problems, puzzles, and surprises at every step. We hope that this journal of our expedition will encourage readers to view published comparisons with caution, and to design and perform their own experiments carefully.

When reporting results of our experiments, we often say that a program in one language ran some amount faster or slower than an equivalent program in another language. All such results represent a snapshot, in the summer of 1997, of the performance of language processors that were readily available to us. They provide no warrant for drawing conclusions about the relative performance of languages on other machines or using other versions of software.

Even though we cannot state many firm conclusions, there are some themes that recur often in the experiments described below.

* Compilation wins over interpretation, and interpretation from an intermediate representation wins over repeated interpretation of the original program text. The exact speedup is unpredictable, however, and compilation may even slow the program down instead. For the most part, we have tested only interpreters, since they are always available, while compilers are often experimental, unsupported, inaccessible, or an extra-cost option. The limited results presented in Section 7 indicate that compilation is generally, but not always, of modest benefit.
* Memory matters. Of course the absolute amount available on a machine is important, especially once paging (or thrashing) begins. But buffers and caches (at several different levels of hardware and software) and the implementation of memory allocation and garbage collection can also have dramatic effects on performance. These factors often lie beyond user control.
* Accurate timing is very hard. Even simple timing loops can exhibit erratic runtimes for no obvious reason. Once a program interacts with its environment by doing significant I/O or graphics, the variation in runtime measurements becomes even larger. These well known problems are exacerbated by systems with unreliable internal ``timing'' routines. We also have not found a satisfactory way to charge startup costs to all systems, so head-to-head comparisons between languages are sometimes difficult.

1 Methodology

We started to construct a table with three dimensions: task, programming language, and machine. Eventually we added the size of the problem solved by the program as a fourth dimension, and we changed the presentation from tables to graphs. Varying the problem size helped us to detect unusual runtime effects, while a graphical presentation highlights patterns and trends in runtime instead of individual performance scores.

We present measurements for each task separately. Unlike some benchmarking studies, we do not combine the results of several different experiments into a single number. One problem with this common practice is that one can choose different weighting factors to create almost any desired outcome [Becker 87].

Choice of Tasks

It is hard to devise small yet representative tasks that do not give too big an edge to one language or unduly penalize another. Ideally, each task will test only one or two language features, and will require short, simple, programs that are easy and natural to express in any language. For the comparison to be sensible, the programs also must be expressed in a ``colloquial'' fashion in each language. While we do not claim that any of the tasks we present is definitive, we believe that each is reasonably fair.

We have organized the presentation by type of task: basic language features (Section 3); arrays and strings (Section 4); input/output (Section 5); basic GUI operations (Section 6). Section 7 describes experiments with compilation. Each section includes further explanations of the tasks. The programs and test data are available at www.cs.bell-labs.com/~bwk.

Choice of Languages

We report timings for the eight languages summarized in Table 1.

(1) Embeddings of Tk for Perl and Scheme appear to be experimental and unsupported; we did not try them.

Table 1: Language Characteristics

C is included as a baseline: its performance suggests the size of the runtime penalty for using an interpreted language. C is the only one of the eight languages that does not have built-in string operations and automatic garbage collection.

Awk and Perl are similar in style, although Perl has many more features. Strings and numbers are the only data types; associative arrays are the main data structure (the only one in Awk); both are normally interpreted. One of the authors admits to a paternal interest in Awk.

Tcl is an interpreter reminiscent of the Unix C shell; besides strings, it provides associative arrays. Tk is a user interface toolkit normally packaged to be run from Tcl scripts through a ``windowing shell'' called Wish. Tcl 7.6 is a pure interpreter; the more recent Tcl 8.0 includes an on-the-fly bytecode compiler.

Java is derived from C and C++. Java comes with a standard user interface library, the Abstract Window Toolkit or AWT. Java programs can be run standalone or as ``applets'' invoked from within a Web browser; in either case, the intermediate representation may be interpreted, or it may be compiled just-in-time for the machine on which the program is being run.

Visual Basic is an interpreter loosely in the same class as Java. It provides an especially easy environment for creating graphical interfaces. Visual Basic is available only for Windows 95 and NT.

Limbo is a language in the same general class as Java and attacks much the same problem domain with somewhat the same facilities; it too is normally interpreted. Limbo is part of Inferno, a virtual operating system that runs on Windows 95 and NT and many flavors of Unix. Limbo has its own ab initio implementation of Tk for writing graphical interfaces. The authors admit to personal and corporate interests in Limbo.

Scheme is a functional language extended by assignment and I/O. We tested the MIT Scheme versions shown in Table 1, both of which are pure interpreters that date from 1993. We tried several Scheme compilers that are accessible on the Web, including Scheme48, Stalin, VSCM, and Edscheme, but each failed to run one of our test programs or was not readily available for all of our computing platforms. (See [Clinger 97] for more Scheme comparisons.)

Given more time and energy, one might test other scripting languages like Unix shells, Python and REXX, functional languages like SML, and interface-building languages like Delphi.

Choice of Machines

We ran our tests on three machines:

100 MHz MIPS R4000 SGI Indy, Irix 5.3
50 MHz Sun Sparcstation-10, Solaris 2.5 (SunOS 5.5)
100 MHz Pentium (32Mb Micron Millennia, Diamond Stealth64 2001 video), Windows 95. This PC appears to be identical to the one used for tests in [Booth 97].

Although elderly, these machines are very similar in speed. For us, they offered the further advantage that we could ensure that no one else was using them during our tests, which removed one source of variability. We could run every test on each system, except for Visual Basic, which we ran only on the PC, and Java, for which we did not have an implementation on Irix. Except where noted, we used the same implementations across systems.

Gathering Timing Statistics

The difficulty of measuring program runtimes reliably and reproducibly is well known. We encountered the following obstacles, among others:

- Runtime measurements become more erratic as a time-shared machine becomes more heavily used. Even on single-user machines, system processes can spring into activity in the middle of a test, with unpredictable effects on runtimes. Process timings on PC's are notoriously unreliable, especially for short runs, but they are no better on Unix systems. Wall clock times can be much greater than the sum of system and user times, even on apparently quiescent systems.
- I/O times can be badly misleading when the computer is far from the file, as with networked file systems. Times for graphics operations can be badly misleading when the display is remote from the computer, as with X terminals.
- Some programs run faster the more often they are run, as if they get better with practice. Sometimes this is due to caching; for example, a program that reads a big file may run faster on the second and subsequent runs because the program and the file are already in memory.
- A few programs take longer to run the more often they are run. We suspect that the increasing runtime is due to memory management problems.

Times for C, Awk, Perl, and Tcl are the sum of ``user time'' and ``system time'' reported by the time command on Unix, or the total time reported by the MKS Toolkit time command on Windows 95. Thus, these include the time to invoke the language processor (for Awk, Perl, and Tcl) or to load and start the program (for C) as well as to read, process and execute the programs.

Times for Java, Visual Basic, and Limbo are computed by the internal program timer, such as Date in Java and Timer in VB. These exclude all startup times, which can amount to several seconds. For example, the Java interpreter exhibits a noticeable startup delay, presumably from unpacking the standard class files.

Timing Scheme programs posed a challenge. The internal timing function in MIT Scheme, runtime, reports values that are only loosely correlated with wall-clock time. (The runtime function appears in the standard Scheme text [Abelson 96], although it is not mentioned in the Scheme reference [Scheme 91].) On Irix and Windows, runtime reports values that are too low by 10 to 25 percent. On Solaris, runtime reports times that are too high by 30 to 65 percent. Consequently, we used a stopwatch to record Scheme times. The Scheme times also exclude the interpreter startup time.

To gather the timings, we ran each test several times, usually with a loop like this:

	for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
	    do time commandline
We discarded the first time to compensate (partially) for caching. If the runtime was more than a minute or so, we normally ran the test only 2 or 3 times: when one version of a program runs in a few seconds, but another takes minutes, there is no reason to fix the latter time with pinpoint accuracy. For times measured in seconds, we normally ran between 5 and 10 trials. Notes accompanying the graphs explain unusual situations, such as large variability in the runtimes.

2 Tests of Basic Features

The first tests exercise basic language features like arithmetic, loops and function calls.

Loops and arithmetic

First we test the implementation overhead of loop mechanisms by counting to n. Using large values of n helps to reduce noise in the timing measurements. Verifying that runtime is linear in the value of n helps to detect ambitious optimizers (see below).

Programs in most of the languages look similar. For example, here is the C version:

int i, n = atoi(argv[1]), sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
and the Tcl version:
set sum 0
set n [lindex $argv 0]
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
	incr sum
We timed the following Scheme version of the program, which is conventional in its use of tail-recursion to implement the loop, but unusual in using set! to modify a global variable repeatedly:
(define sum 0)
(define (tail-rec-aux i n)
	(if (< i n)
		(begin (set! sum (+ sum 1)) (tail-rec-aux (+ i 1) n))
(define (tail-rec-loop n)
	(tail-rec-aux 0 n))
An alternative version that passes three arguments to tail-rec-aux and only uses set! at the end of the recursion runs about five percent faster.

For unreconstructed imperative-style programmers, Scheme defines an iteration construct (do), with which the loop above could be written as follows:

(define sum 0)
(define (do-loop n)
	(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
		((>= i n) sum)
		(set! sum (+ sum 1))))
With MIT Scheme, the runtime for this version is the same as for the tail-recursive version. With Edscheme, a commercial PC implementation, the do version ran twice as fast as the tail-recursive form. We could not do more experiments with Edscheme since our evaluation copy expired before we finished our tests.

Basic loop test

This graph exhibits several features that are common to all of the graphs in this paper. The amount of computational work appears on the horizontal axis and runtime appears on the vertical axis. Both axes are plotted on a logarithmic scale, which allows us to display a wide range of data values. It would be convenient to choose input sizes that give reasonable runtimes, ideally around 10 seconds, but this ideal cannot be achieved when runtimes for different languages are four orders of magnitude apart.

We designed tests whose runtime should grow linearly with the size of the problem: runtime = m×size + b. Thus, if we choose size to be large enough to justify ignoring the fixed overhead (b), the log-log plot should show a straight line of unit slope. Exceptions indicate anomalous behavior that deserves further attention.

For example, on Windows 95 the line connecting C runtimes appears absolutely horizontal. In fact, runtime continues to be constant when n = 10^7 and n = 10^8. This happens because the optimizer eliminates the entire loop, replacing it by sum = n. When optimization is disabled, times on Windows 95 grow very slowly with n, from 0.25 seconds at n = 125,000 to 0.33 seconds at n = 10^6.

The graph for Windows 95 also shows clearly the advantage that Java and Visual Basic enjoy because our timings do not charge them for startup.

The pattern in these graphs reappears in many test results. Compiled native code (C) runs fastest; next fastest are interpreted byte codes (Java, Limbo, Visual Basic); next come interpreters that construct and execute an internal representation like an abstract syntax tree (Awk, Perl); slowest of all are interpreters that repeatedly scan the original source (Scheme, Tcl). Between each consecutive pair of stages there is a factor of 5-10 difference in runtime, with a total range that exceeds three orders of magnitude.

Function Calls

The next program evaluates Ackermann's function. Computing ack(3,k) = 2^(k+3)-3 requires at least 4^(k+1) function calls, and reaches a recursive depth of 2^(k+3)-1, so this test gives the function call mechanism a thorough workout. The code looks similar in most languages; here it is in C and Java:

int ack(int m, int n) {
	if (m == 0)
		return n+1;
	else if (n == 0)
		return ack(m-1, 1);
		return ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1));

and in Scheme:
(define (ack m n)
      (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1))
            ((= n 0) (ack (- m 1) 1))
            (else (ack (- m 1) (ack m (- n 1))))))

Ackermann's function test: ack(3,k)

On Windows 95, we killed the Perl program computing ack(3,8) after an hour of no apparent progress. On Irix, Perl 5.004 aborted with no message on ack(3,8); Perl 5.001 took 350 seconds to compute the correct answer.
By default, Tcl sets the maxNestingDepth of the runtime stack to 1000. For our tests, we increased this limit to 5000 and recompiled Tcl on Irix and Solaris (but not on Windows 95). Even with this upper bound, however, Tcl overflowed when computing ack(3,8), because control structures and expression evaluations, as well as procedure calls, require a recursive invocation of the Tcl interpreter.

For the largest problem size (k=8), the order of languages by increasing runtime remains the same across all three systems. (The basic loop test results also exhibited cross-system consistency, but with the languages in a different order.) Here, Scheme and Awk ran faster than Perl, and Limbo ran faster than Visual Basic. Such total consistency across systems is rare.

3 Arrays and Strings

All of these languages provide richer arrays and strings than those in C, including perhaps associative arrays, dynamic arrays, storage management for strings, and garbage collection. This section investigates some of their properties.

Indexed Arrays

The first program uses arrays as if they were indexed. It sets n elements of an array to integer values, then copies the array to another array beginning at index n-1. Here is the code in C, Awk, Java, and Limbo, for example:

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	x[i] = i;
for (j = n-1; j >= 0; j--)
	y[j] = x[j];

Indexed array test

The Scheme test failed to terminate on all three systems when the array was too long.

This test turned out to be tougher than we expected. Languages that offer only associative arrays (like Awk and Tcl) typically use hash tables to implement the simple ``indexing'' needed for this example. This accounts for their large runtimes. Indeed, rewriting the Perl program to use associative arrays instead of indexed arrays triples its runtime on Unix, and quintuples it on Windows 95.

On the PC (with 32Mb of memory) Awk and Tcl thrash badly when n = 200,000, with runtimes about of about 450s (Awk) and 170s (Tcl).

String manipulation

The next test exercises several string operations: computing string lengths, concatenating strings, and extracting substrings. The program constructs the strings to avoid incurring I/O time by reading them from a file. Here is the Awk version:

for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
	s = "abcdef"
	while (length(s) <= n) {
		s = "123" s "456" s "789"
		s = substr(s, length(s)/2) substr(s, 1, length(s)/2)
This program computes the length of s twice in the second assignment in the while-loop. A version that stores the length in a temporary variable only runs about five percent faster, so we tested the straightforward version shown above.

The C program, on the other hand, keeps track of the length of the growing string:

int j, len, n = atoi(argv[1]);
char *s = NULL, *p;

for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
	s = strdup("abcdef");
	while ((len = strlen(s)) <= n) {
		p = (char *) malloc(2 * len + 10);
		sprintf(p, "123%s456%s789", s, s);
		s = p;
		len = strlen(s);
		p = (char *) malloc(len + 2);
		strcpy(p, s + len/2);
		strncat(p + len/2, s, len/2+1);
		s = p;
On the Unix machines, a version that does not store len runs about 40% slower than the program shown above. But on Windows 95, the version that does not use len is only about five percent slower.

String test

Scheme runtimes for this test are unusually fast, but Scheme failed to terminate when string s became too long.

The C runtimes are very sensitive to the details of the program: they get faster the fewer times the string is traversed from beginning to end (as in strlen, strcpy, and strcat). The graphs suggest that Awk, Tcl, and Java represent strings as null-terminated byte sequences, but Perl and Limbo include length information in their string data structures.

This test also exercises the storage allocator. Evidently the C library version, on which both Awk and Tcl rely, is slow. Perl may benefit from carrying its own version of malloc.

Associative Data Structures

Several of these languages offer a built-in facility (variously called associative arrays, hash tables or hashes) that can be used to associate values with keys so that lookups can be performed in constant time. Our test program synthesizes key values from numbers, to avoid performing any I/O. In order to exercise both lookups that succeed and lookups that fail, the program stores keys created from the numbers 1 to n expressed as hexadecimal strings, but attempts to retrieve keys using the numbers 1 to n expressed as decimal strings. The program in Perl is

for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
    $X{sprintf('%x', $i)} = $i;
for ($i = $n; $i > 0; $i--) {
    if (defined $X{$i}) {
and in Tcl
for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
	set x([format "%x" $i]) $i
set c 0
for {set i $n} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
	if {[info exists x($i)]} {
		incr c

Associative array test

Languages not shown do not provide built-in associative arrays. Scheme does have built-in association lists, but their linear-time access is bound to make their performance compare unfavorably with hash tables.

Java's performance on this task is surprisingly poor. At first we thought that the Hashtable class used a poor hash function. But the runtime for the test increases when it is repeated, which suggests that there might also be a problem with memory management.

4 Input/Output

Tests in the preceding sections measured the speed of raw computation and memory management. By contrast, the programs in this section interact with the outside world, reading some significant amount of data, doing some computation on each data item, or writing some output. These operations are typical for Awk and Perl, although perhaps not for the volumes of data being used here; in that sense the tests may not be ``fair,'' but there must be some droit d'auteur.

The input data set for the first three tasks is derived from the King James Bible. The whole bible contains 31102 lines (one verse per line), 851820 words, and 4460056 characters. We also used the first half, quarter, and eighth of the bible as input for many tests.

File copying

The first task is to copy input to output, uninterpreted and unexamined, like the Unix cat command. Two other I/O tests include at least the input half of this operation.

In Awk, Perl, Tcl, Visual Basic, and Limbo, it is natural to write the program to work one line at a time. For example, here are the Awk, Perl, and Tcl versions:

{ print }	# Awk

while (<>) {	# Perl
    print $_;

while {[gets stdin line] >= 0} {	# Tcl
	puts $line
In C, Java, and Scheme, however, it is natural to write the program to work one character at a time. Here is the C version, which uses stdio:
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int c;
	FILE *fp = stdin;

	if (argc > 1)
		fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
		putc(c, stdout);

File copy test

The graphs show that programs that work at the level of lines usually run faster than programs that work at the level of characters. Of course, the line-at-a-time programs might be imposing restrictions on line length that are not revealed by using the King James Bible as input. (The longest verse is Esther 8:9, with 92 words and 529 characters.)

Thus, the graphs confirm the conventional wisdom that the choice of ``chunk'' size on which a program operates is important to its performance. Indeed, we can double the speed of the Perl program on Irix by changing it to read its input in one chunk. On the other hand, changing the Tcl program on Irix to read its input all at once makes it run about six times slower.

Our tests also show the importance of I/O buffering.

Unix systems implicitly buffer I/O that has been redirected from or to files, but this has not been carried over to Windows 95. This meant that our original Tcl program buffered its output one line at a time, and ran nearly 20 times slower than the version reported above. We modified it by explicitly requesting full buffering on stdout.

The Java times are for a program that uses the BufferedInputStream class. Using unbuffered classes for I/O increases the runtime by at least 50%. Even with buffering, Java programs incur large runtime because the I/O methods are interpreted, not compiled. The JDK1.1 version of Java also imposes some overhead associated with synchronizing multiple threads [Gosling 97].

The enormous Scheme runtimes appear to be caused by the lack of facilities for buffered input and output. We wrote a C program that reads and writes one byte at a time, and it took even longer to run than the Scheme program, so the Scheme implementation may be buffering deep inside.

Counting words

The second test is to count lines, words, and characters in the input, as in the Unix wc program. This tests input speed and the ability to parse lines into smaller units. There are at least two basic approaches. In Awk, Perl, and Tcl, the natural program reads each line and splits it into ``fields,'' each of which corresponds to a word. Here is wc in Awk:

    { nl++; nw += NF; nc += length($0) + 1 }
END { print nl, nw, nc }

In C, Java, Visual Basic, Limbo, and Scheme, the natural program reads the input one character at a time and uses a state machine to count transitions into and out of words. Here is the Java version:
int nl = 0, nw = 0, nc = 0;
int b;
boolean inword = false;
while ((b = System.in.read()) > -1) {
	if (b == '\n')
	if (Character.isSpace((char)b))
		inword = false;
	else if (inword == false) {
		inword = true;
We timed a Scheme version of this program that set!s three global variables to do this task. A tail-recursive version that passes these variables as parameters, perhaps more typical Scheme style, ran about five percent slower.

Word count test

The graphs confirm the importance of ``chunk size'' mentioned above for cat. Notice how much worse Visual Basic and Limbo fare when they operate on single characters instead of lines.

Since wc does more computation on the input than does cat, we expected it to have longer runtimes. About half the time, it does. But there are also places where wc is faster than cat, including Tcl on Windows 95, and Java on both Solaris and Windows 95; perhaps this is because the output of wc is only one line, much smaller than the output from cat.

Reversing a file

The next test is to read the entire document into an array, then print out the lines in reverse order. This test checks the ability to build and access a very large array. The Awk version is

{ x[NR] = $0 }
END { for (i = NR; i >= 1; i--)
	print x[i]
The Perl version reads the entire file into an array with a single statement:
@a = <>;
for ($i = $#a; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    print $a[$i];
Unlike the Unix command tail -r, our C implementation does not seek from the end of the file, but reads the input into an array.

File reversal test

The Scheme version terminated with an ``out of memory'' message on each system while trying to reverse the first quarter of the bible.

The order of languages by runtime is the same across all three systems. The word-counting task also exhibited cross-system consistency, but the languages appeared in a different order.


The next test exercises input, numeric conversion, and arithmetic. The programs read 100,000 floating point numbers like this

from a file and compute their sum. This program is easy in Awk:
{ s += $1 }
END { print s }
and not much harder in other languages.

Sum test

The order of languages by runtime is comparable to the order for word counting, except for Tcl (which got slower) and Visual Basic (which got faster). In fact, our original Tcl program ran faster, but computed a different sum than any of the other programs; the timings shown are for a Tcl program that explicitly sets tcl_precision to 17.

5 Graphical User Interface Tests

There are two major components of user interfaces where speed matters most: manipulating text in a ``text widget,'' and drawing graphical objects like lines, rectangles and circles. Of course, operations like raising dialog boxes or pulling down menu items should happen quickly, but their runtime is of little significance to overall performance.

Text Tests

The text test appends n short lines to a text box, one at a time, and causes the last line to be displayed each time. The Tcl loop looks like this:

for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "$i\n"
	.t see end
The Limbo version is a direct transliteration:
for (i := 1; i <= n; i++) {
	tk->cmd(t, ".t insert end " + string i + "\n");
	tk->cmd(t, ".t see end");
	tk->cmd(t, "update");
In Visual Basic, it is
For i = 1 To n
    bigtext.Text = bigtext.Text & CStr(i) & crlf
    bigtext.SelStart = Len(bigtext.Text)
    bigtext.SelLength = 0
Next i
and in Java
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
	bigtext.appendText(i + "\n");

Text insertion test

We explicitly requested a screen update after each insertion, except in Visual Basic. Omitting these mandatory updates reduces runtimes significantly, because changes to the display are buffered so that only the final result is visible. Runtimes for this test are even less trustworthy than in earlier tests, since the display on Unix systems is managed by an X server that adds its own times into the mix. We used a stopwatch for Limbo on Unix, where reported times were unrelated to observed times.

Visual Basic has no method for appending text to a TextBox, so creating each new display would appear to be a quadratic process. In spite of this, Visual Basic runtimes are quite reasonable. The screen flashes and slows the display, apparently because Visual Basic redisplays the first line after each insertion. Visual Basic offers the alternative RichTextBox, which has more features (size, font, color), and also overcomes the 32,000 character limit of the regular TextBox. The same test takes about 30 percent longer with a RichTextBox.

Drawing Tests

The other major time-consuming activity for user interfaces is drawing graphical objects. By measuring the time it takes to draw n lines in a fan, each with a small colored circle at the end, we hope to capture only the most basic behavior. We have not attempted to animate a scene, move any objects, or interact with them after they have been drawn.

The Java version is representative:

for (int i = 1; i <= lim; i++) {
	g.drawLine(MINX, MINY, MAXX, MINY + (int) (i * dy));
	g.fillOval(MAXX, MINY + (int) (i * dy), d, d);
	g.drawOval(MAXX+2, MINY + (int) (i * dy)+2, d-4, d-4);

Line/circle drawing test

Memory limits prevented testing Limbo for larger input sizes on Solaris and Windows, where an earlier version of the system is being used. In some cases, Limbo times appear to increase the more often the test is run.

These times are the least reliable, since each reflects design decisions in the implementation of the corresponding system. The times reported by internal timers in the programs are a lower bound on what a user sees; we have not included any additional delay that occurs before the screen is updated.

Runtimes increase significantly if explicit updates are added after each drawing operation, as they might be in some kinds of animations. Java and Visual Basic appear to update the screen continuously, even though this behavior was not requested. Tk and Limbo updates are turned off and either happen all at once (Tk) or sporadically (Limbo).

In general, graphics facilities differ significantly; our tests focus on elementary tasks. Tk's canvas widget (through Tcl or Limbo) is far richer and more flexible than what is available in Java or Visual Basic, but this test does not exercise those capabilities at all.

6 Compilation versus Interpretation

In simpler times, ``compilation'' meant translation from source code via assembler into native instructions. A program was compiled once, perhaps with a bit of optimization, and the result was an executable binary image that never changed. Today, ``compilation'' is more complicated.

Scripting languages offer several intermediate positions, with multiple meanings even for ``interpretation.'' Tcl 7.6 and Scheme 7.3 are pure interpreters that repeatedly parse the source code as they run; this is extremely flexible, but slowest of all, as the graphs above show clearly. Awk translates its program into a tree that is walked during execution, Visual Basic creates an internal p-code representation, and Java and Limbo translate into byte codes for virtual machines (another form of p-code). Such preprocessing affords the speedups depicted in the graphs below.

In each case, it is possible to take the process further, either by translating the original program into something faster like C or C++, or by compiling the byte codes into machine instructions, either before execution or on demand during execution (``just in time compilation''). The graphs below show the results of some experiments with the ``compilation'' facilities provided by several of these languages:

The Awk to C++ translator described in [Kernighan 91] produces C++ that we compiled with Visual C++.
Tcl 8.0b2 compiles into an internal byte code.
Class files produced by Visual J++ are run with Microsoft's jview, which we believe to be a just-in-time compiler. The comparison is against Sun's JDK1.1 interpreter.
Visual Basic 5.0 includes a native-mode compiler. The comparison is against Visual Basic 4.0.
Limbo has a just-in-time compiler analogous to those for Java.
VSCM [Blume 94] is a compact, portable implementation using a virtual machine written in C and a bytecode compiler written in Scheme itself.

The graphs show the ratio of compiled runtime to interpreted runtime. For this experiment, we ran the tests only on the PC, where we had the most languages available. We only tried the largest of the inputs used earlier, to reduce the contribution of startup to the runtime measurements.

Compiled time / interpreted time, by language

The outlier here is the Java time for the associative array test. We believe the problem is with storage management.
Some Scheme tests are omitted because they ran into trouble: failure to parse the input or an infinite loop. On the bright side, times returned by VSCM are very accurate.

Compiled time / interpreted time, by task

These graphs reveal a number of interesting facts. Compilation usually, but not always, reduces runtime; in a few cases it made performance much worse. Most of the improvements are modest; some languages (like Limbo) exhibit a large range of improvement, while others (like Visual Basic) exhibit only a narrow range. Not surprisingly, the largest improvements are for the simplest language features­those most like regular programming languages; thus, the basic loop test and Ackermann's function improve most, while I/O tests improve least (unless the I/O system is also coded in the language in question, as it is with Limbo and seems to be with Java).

7 Discussion and Conclusions

Clearly one might perform many other experiments, for instance to fill in more language features more systematically, to investigate regular expressions (in Awk, Perl and Tcl) or string searches (in Java and Visual Basic), or to study more user-interface components.

Another possibility would be to compare implementations of the same tools, since several of these languages are available in different implementations. For example, one might measure Awk, Gawk, Mawk and (on Windows 95) MKS Awk. There are many Java implementations, mainly focused on Windows. Unfortunately, these usually run only from within browsers, where security restrictions make it impossible to do the I/O tests.

Some of the I/O runtimes are remarkably long. Published benchmarks rarely include I/O tests. Perhaps if they did, language implementations would perform better than they do.

The amount of real memory makes a large difference in PC applications; once a program starts paging, runtimes become long and erratic. This happened with (at least) Awk, Perl, and Tcl. Upgrading our PC from 16Mb to 32Mb sped up several tests by a factor of two or more. (All results here are for 32Mb.)

Memory management also matters. It seems clear that some of our tests encountered problems with the implementation of garbage collection. The usual symptom is runtimes that increase during a series of tests. Other factors are simply beyond control, and perhaps even beyond knowing. Modern machines use several levels of cache to make slow main memory appear to operate nearly at the speed of cache memory, but different processors (all with the same nominal speed) have different amounts and kinds of cache.

The limitations of these results are important and bear repetition. These comparisons apply to specific language processors running on specific machines, and cannot be used to draw conclusions about overall performance differences of various languages in general. As we have worked on these experiments, we have been struck repeatedly by how often intuition is wrong. Some apparently small changes lead to unexpectedly large performance differences. For example,

- keeping track of the string length matters for the C string-construction test on Unix systems, but not on PC's;
- using Perl associative arrays where indexed arrays would serve can increase runtimes dramatically;
- in Tcl8.0, ``Code inside a procedure body is substantially faster than code outside any procedure.'' [Ousterhout, private communication.]

Even the intuitions of native speakers can be wrong. In response to comments, we modified some examples to be more colloquial, and found that these ``better'' versions sometimes did not run much faster, and might even run slower. For example,
- we wrote two Scheme versions of the timing loop, string construction, and word count, one using the tail-recursion favored by Scheme aficionados, the other using the barbarian import set!; the difference in performance between the two versions never exceeded ten percent, and did not consistently favor one version over the other.
- in earlier versions of this manuscript, Perl experts noticed leftovers introduced by the Awk-to-Perl translator a2p, and offered the reasonable criticism that it was unfair to compare the performance of Perl code that was mechanically generated with hand-coded programs in other languages. Removing spurious chop statements from the programs did improve their runtimes, but never by more than ten percent. On the other hand, it is about ten percent faster to create the array of lines in tail explicitly, rather than reading the input file all at once.

Needless to say, we advise all who want to know which version of a program will run faster to construct test programs and find out the truth for their language processor and machine.

Despite the preceding disclaimer, we essay the following summary of our observations:

Awk and Perl are similar in performance. Awk ran faster in about half the tests, contrary to the conventional wisdom that Perl is faster than Awk.
Tcl is significantly slower than Awk and Perl, typically by a factor of five or ten, but the latest bytecode version narrows that gap significantly. Scheme appears to be very roughly comparable with Tcl (aside from volume I/O, where interpreted Scheme's performance is hopeless); again, various compilation techniques speed improve this behavior.
Our experiments do not support the folklore that Java interpreters are 10 times slower than C, except when the excruciatingly slow I/O libraries are involved; otherwise the ratio is much smaller. Using buffered I/O functions improves runtimes, but by no more than a factor of two. Just-in-time compilation can have a significant effect, usually beneficial.

Runtime is only one measure of a programming language; another is suitability for task. Scripting languages are meant to be easy to program in; one sacrifices runtime and control for ease of expression. We did not try to measure expressiveness, but program size offers some clue. The total number of lines of code for the non-graphics tests ranges from 66 for Awk, 96 of Perl, 105 of Tcl, 170 of C and Scheme, 200 of Visual Basic, to around 350 for Java and Limbo.

Comparisons are a mainstay of computer literature. Conferences, journals, and magazines are full of tables and colorful charts that compare execution time or memory usage of one or more programs on different machines or implementations. In light of the variability in results that we saw, however, we wonder whether similar variation lurks behind published benchmark studies as well. It does seem wise to take all such experiments­including these­with a large grain of salt.


Thanks to Jon Bentley, Mark-Jason Dominus, Lorenz Huelsbergen, Brian Lewis, Doug McIlroy, John Ousterhout, Rob Pike, Arnold Robbins, Wolfram Schneider, Howard Trickey, and Phil Wadler, for helpful suggestions and comments on the manuscript. We are also grateful to Phil Wadler for performing some experiments with ML, and to Will Clinger for improving our Scheme programs and for his experiments comparing a number of Scheme implementations on our test programs [Clinger 97].


[Abelson 96] Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (second edition), H. Abelson, G. J. Sussman, J. Sussman, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

[Becker 87] R. A. Becker, L. Denby, R. McGill, A. R. Wilks, ``Analysis of Data From the Places Rated Almanac,'' The American Statistician, August, 1987. By adjusting the weights with which individual components are combined into a final score, one can make almost any place look good or bad.

[Bentley 91] An Elementary C Cost Model, by Bentley, Kernighan and Van Wyk (Unix Review, February, 1991), describes one attempt to do systematic measurements of the cost of basic operations in a single language, C.

[Blume 94] VSCM ­ A Portable Scheme Implementation, Matthias Blume. www.cs.Princeton.edu/~blume/vscm.

[Booth 97] Inner Loops, by Rick Booth (Addison-Wesley, 1997), is an excellent reference on tuning PC programs.

[Caffeine 97] http://www.webfayre.com/cm.html. ``CaffeineMark Java Benchmark,'' Pendragon Software.

[Clinger 97] William C. Clinger, http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/will/Twobit/kvwbenchmarks.html. Compares the tests from this paper on a variety of Scheme implementations.

[Gosling 97] Private communication.

[Hardwick 97] http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jch/java/optimization.html. Jonathan Hardwick's ``Java Optimization'' Web page contains a variety of benchmarks for Java programs and links to related material.

[Kernighan 91] B. W. Kernighan, ``An AWK to C++ Translator,'' USENIX C++ Conference, Washington, DC, April, 1991.

[Scheme 91] The Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (Nov 1991), edited by Klinger and Rees, is the official definition.

The following lists standard references for the various languages and some related material on performance evaluation. These are not cited in the text.

The AWK Programming Language, by Aho, Kernighan and Weinberger (Addison-Wesley, 1988), is the standard reference; Arnold Robbins' Effective AWK Programming (SSC, 1996) is a newer reference.

Perl 5 is best described in Programming Perl, Second Edition by Wall, Christiansen and Schwartz (O'Reilly, 1996).

Ousterhout's Tcl and the Tk Toolkit (Addison-Wesley, 1994) is a definitive description of version 7.4/3.6.

Flanagan's Java in a Nutshell (O'Reilly, 1996 [first edition]) is an excellent introduction; Arnold and Gosling's The Java Programming Language (Addison-Wesley, 1996) is a good alternative.

Limbo and Inferno are best described on the Inferno web page, http://inferno.bell-labs.com.

There are myriad books on Visual Basic; Microsoft's reference and user guides are definitive.

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