4444> (from '\n' to 'D') and add comments:
; load 0x01 into X register
LDX #$01
; load 0x05 into memory 0x0001
LDA #$05
STA $01
; load 0x07 into memory 0x0002
LDA #$07
STA $02
; load 0x44 ('D') into Y register
LDY #$44
; store contents of Y ('D') into memory 0x0705
STY $0705
; use indexed indirect addressing to fetch the 'D' into the A register
LDA ($00,X)
; -- additional code added to print the contents of A to the screen --
STA $D012
; stop
After assembling, the hex-digit representation looks like:
$ cat index-indirect.hex
Compiling it:
$ ./apple1 -input index-indirect.hex > index-indirect.c
$ gcc index-indirect.c -o a.out
$ file a.out
a.out: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
$ ls -l a.out
-rwx------ 1 chad chad 18840 26 Jan 09:26 a.out
Runing it:
$ ./a.out ; echo
Output Code Details
The core code in main() looks like a C representation of each opcode:
LFF00: fprintf(stderr, "LFF00\n");
// LDX Immediate 01
arg = 0x01;
op_ldx(&state, arg);
LFF02: fprintf(stderr, "LFF02\n");
// LDA Immediate 05
arg = 0x05;
op_lda(&state, arg);
LFF04: fprintf(stderr, "LFF04\n");
// STA ZeroPage 01
arg = 0x0001;
op_sta(&state, arg);
LFF06: fprintf(stderr, "LFF06\n");
// LDA Immediate 07
arg = 0x07;
op_lda(&state, arg);
LFF08: fprintf(stderr, "LFF08\n");
// STA ZeroPage 02
arg = 0x0002;
op_sta(&state, arg);
LFF0A: fprintf(stderr, "LFF0A\n");
// LDY Immediate 44
arg = 0x44;
op_ldy(&state, arg);
LFF0C: fprintf(stderr, "LFF0C\n");
// STY Absolute 0507
arg = 0x0705;
op_sty(&state, arg);
LFF0F: fprintf(stderr, "LFF0F\n");
// LDA IndirectX 00
arg = (0x0000 + state.X) & 0xFF;
arg = (memory_read(state.Mem, arg + 1) << 8) | memory_read(state.Mem, arg);
arg = memory_read(state.Mem, arg);
op_lda(&state, arg);
LFF11: fprintf(stderr, "LFF11\n");
// STA Absolute 12D0
arg = 0xD012;
op_sta(&state, arg);
LFF14: fprintf(stderr, "LFF14\n");
// BRK Implicit
The opcode helper functions look much like expected:
void op_ldx(struct ComputerState *state, short int arg) {
fprintf(stderr, "op_ldx(0x%02X)\n", (uint8_t) arg);
state->X = arg;
flag_update_nz(state, arg);
Reading memory checks for the memory-mapped keyboard (and the ASCII high bit is always set):
char memory_read(char mem[], short int addr) {
fprintf(stderr, "memory_read(0x%04X)\n", (uint16_t) addr);
switch(addr) {
case (short int) 0xD010:
if (kbhit()) {
mem[0xD010] = getchar();
if (mem[0xD010] >= 'a' && mem[0xD010] <= 'z') {
mem[0xD010] = mem[0xD010] - ('a' - 'A');
mem[0xD010] |= 0x80;
// read input key \n as \r
if (mem[0xD010] == (char) 0x8A) {
mem[0xD010] = 0x8D;
return mem[0xD010];
case (short int) 0xD011:
// check for keypress
fprintf(stderr, "checking for keypress\n");
if (kbhit()) {
return 0x80;
return 0;
case (short int) 0xD012:
return 0;
return mem[addr & 0xFFFF];
All input bytes are loaded into memory for programs that reference hard coded values using addresses:
// initialize program memory
state.Mem[0xFF00] = 0xA2;
state.Mem[0xFF01] = 0x01;
Test Cases
There is a test_cases.txt file format that allows for easily adding new test cases by specifying the opcodes in hex and expected STDOUT output. Every test case is separately run to produce a .c file and that C code is compiled to an executable and run.
# Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.
# Lines starting with:
# "baseaddr " contain the base address of the test code
# "name " contain the name of the test
# "head " contain instructions to run before the body
# "tail " contain instructions to run after the body
# "body " contain instructions for the body of the test
# "output" start the expected output
# "endoutput" end the expected output
# "head", "body", "tail" values from previous tests are carried over to
# the next test.
# Instructions are in 6502 hex. For example:
# "A942" means "LDA #$42"
# Instructions may be separated by spaces to make them easier to read. For example:
# "A942 6902" and "A9426902" both mean "LDA #$42, ADC #$02"
name JMP absolute
body A941 8D12D0 4C0AFF 00 A942
name JMP indirect
body A912 8576 A9FF 8577 A941 8D12D0 6C7600 00 A942