# PHP # Contributed by Chad Clark ( http://www.thepurplebuffalo.net/ ) - 08 Jan 2003 # notes: html tags are not included. single-quote strings do not work, # instead double-quote strings do. language php extension .php .PHP comment # comment // comment /* */ # these are the official keywords keyword and array as break case cfunction class const continue declare keyword default die do echo else elseif empty enddeclare endfor keyword endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exit extends for foreach keyword function global if include include_once isset list new keyword old_function or print require require_once return static keyword switch unset use var while xor keyword __CLASS__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ # these are predefined variables keyword $_COOKIE $_ENV $_FILES $_GET $_POST $_REQUEST $_SERVER $_SESSION keyword $GLOBALS $HTTP_ENV_VARS $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS $HTTP_GET_VARS keyword $HTTP_POST_FILES $HTTP_POST_VARS $HTTP_SERVER_VARS $HTTP_SESSION_VARS keyword $php_errormsg inword _ startword $_ string " strnewline empty other allcaps function ( font italic www_thepurplebuffalo_net www_superfrink_net font emphasized ( ) { }