Chad Clark's Open Journal : 2008-01-21

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January 21, 2008 :
1) John Resig talks about tech book sales and profits. reads:

  I recently received my quarterly update from Apress for the 3rd quarter
  of 2007 (the fourth quarter of the book's existence). This was the first
  quarter in which I actually broke a profit (received money in excess of
  my advance) so I was quite pleased. Here's a scan for those that are

2) Wikipedia about Canadian Beer.

I have heard Canadian beer has more alcohol than US American beer.  I know
that the two countries label their beer differently.  One measures by
weight and one by volume.  The result is US beer still weaker but not by as
much as one might think based on the label.

I read on wikipedia that there is concern that consumers would buy the
stronger (more alcohol) beers.  I don't know why that is necessarily bad or
why the governments should step in but they have.

The article indicates the Canadian labeled alcohol content denotes the
"minimum" required alcohol in the beer while the US labeled alcohol content
denotes the "maximum" allowed alcohol in the beer.

  as of 1927, most Canadian provinces require the minimum alcohol
  percentage to be labelled rather than the average. This move was meant to
  eliminate inaccurate nonalcoholic labelling as well as fraudulent
  U.S. beer is labelled according to state laws, which unanimously dictate
  that the maximum alcohol percentage be labelled. As such, a 5.4% beer in
  the U.S. (by weight) may legally contain as little as 1% alcohol by

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